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Core Stability for Injury Reduction and Improved Performance: Extension & Anti-Flexion Part 3

By: Mike MacLeodOTA/PTA, DTS Level 1, Nutrition & Weight Loss Certification, Agatsu Strength & Speed Specialist  What is the most effective way to reduce the risk of back injuries? There are indeed many paths to travel and many detours we can take but, fundamentally if we strengthen and stabilize the core in multiple planes of movement,…

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Core Stability for Injury Reduction and Improved Performance: Rotation and Anti-Rotation Part 2

By: Mike MacLeodOTA/PTA, DTS Level 1, Nutrition & Weight Loss Certification, Agatsu Strength & Speed Specialist  What is a rotational core exercise? Rotational core exercises are the best for developing power in your core and hips. The goal is not torso rotation but rather powerful hip rotation. The goal is to learn to better utilize hip…


Benefits of Exercising During the Winter

By: Mike MacLeodOTA/PTA, DTS Level 1, Nutrition & Weight Loss Certification, Agatsu Strength & Speed Specialist  Working with a qualified personal trainer you will be taken through a customized assessment and have a program that is built based on the findings of the assessment. The programming will be the most efficient way for you to…